With over 20 years of industry experience and almost the same in consulting, Mark has a deep understanding of our clients’ business challenges. An established leader, Mark has worked with many organisations across the public and private sectors to transform their business operations, enable meaningful and sustained performance improvements and deliver tangible benefits to the bottom line.
Prior to joining 4C in 2015, Mark led IBM’s Procurement Practice first in the UK and followed by EMEA, before becoming the global lead. Mark’s extensive experience includes working with diverse organisations ranging from BP, Shell, BG Group, GSK, Novartis, Logoplaste, Somerset County Council, Metropolitan Police, Essex County Council, Thames Water, Cabinet Office, HSBC, Mondelez International, Unilever and Inditex.
Working in procurement line roles at the Department for Works and Pensions, Transport for London and Canterbury City Council has given Mark a real understanding of the day-to-day challenges of running high-performing teams under pressure, which he translates into practical solutions with sustainable impact.
As well as being the Lead Partner for some of our most complex engagements, Mark leads our Sales and Account Management team, ensuring we deliver a consistently high level of service to our clients that adds real value and delivers a return on investment.
June 8th 2023